Monday, February 27, 2012

My Office this time of Year

Working from home has its fair share of challenges and struggles, but sometimes it is just plain awesome.  My 2.5 year old son sometimes ends up watching too much TV on days that my work-load requires me to be in front of a computer or on the phone for longer than he is willing to nap (I have a "real job" too, not just the handmade stuff that I write about here) but the tradeoff is worth it for days like today.  It wasn't that I didn't have any work... 'cause I do, it was just that it was the kinds of things I was able to accomplish from my cell phone while sitting at the park. 
Then, the weather was so perfect that we stayed longer and I made a monkey. I build lots of monkeys at the park. Truthfully, they are all almost exclusively made at the park or in the car while waiting to pick up my kindergartener.
And thanks to technology I am even able to photograph and list him online while still at the park!  I love it.

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